
Sascha Depold

Engineering Manager


Running io.js builds on travis

Update: As Keith pointed out, Travis rolled out a newer version of NVM just some days ago. Having that in place it's actually super easy to get started: node_js: - "0.10" - iojs-v1.1.0 That's it :) And while you can now go and add the lovely supporter badge to your projects, I will try to find out how to not miss those changes from Travis anymore... (Do they have a changelog?) Original post: With the release of io.js 1.0 many Node.JS developers were asking for respective b

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Even more contentful ruby apps

Some weeks ago I posted about kickstarting a ruby application with Contentful as its data backend. Now that I gained some field experience with that setup, it made some caveats pretty obvious. This blog post will show you some improvements and also some nicites we added to our app in the last weeks. We found out that the previously suggested approach had three major issues, which get addressed in this post: The configuration was in the model. The models weren't clearly namespaced. The mode

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Chasm - Preview

When I thought about plans for the weekend, I had in mind to fix some Sequelize CLI issues and to extend one of my personal projects I'm currently working on. This has been until I opened this one lovely email with the subject "Project Update #37: Chasm by Discord Games LLC". The first sentence read "Anyone who backed at $25+ can play the Alpha build right now!", which made me instantly stop everything I was doing and forced me to open the Humble Key Resender. After recei

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Farewell make ... Hello gulp ...

At work, we recently decided to switch our JavaScript coding style from a chaotic mess to a more consistant, disciplined and streamlined masterpiece. In order to achieve that goal, we decided to include JSHint in our build process and to configure it as strict as possible. As our codebase is relatively young, it was quite easy to get things green and to make the linter happy. Inspired by this move and by the consistent code style that followed, I thought about making the Sequelize CLI compatible

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Contentful ruby apps

Lately I was playing with the content management service Contentful and its ruby gem contentful.rb. In this article you will learn how to kickstart your … contentful … ruby application! Contentful is a cloud-based and API-driven content management system that allows the user to structure his data via so-called content models. Those models are the blueprint for the to-be-stored information. One could think of them as database tables which have specific schemata. Once defined the user can create

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eurucamp 2013 - A recap. [Part I]

Some weeks a go some colleagues of mine and me were attending the eurucamp 2013 at the lovely Mggelsee in Berlin. Besides the nice location, the European Ruby Camp did not only provide tasty coffee but also a whole bunch of interesting talks and workshops. This article will summarize the most interesting parts. Workshop: Up & Running with Ember.js The first course Ive attended has been the Ember.js workshop. Also this has been the first contact with the eurucamp wifi To be polite: It wasnt

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Wii U: Some impressions

[Tokyoship](// "User:Tokyoship"), [Wikimedia Commons](// When I left the office on last friday evening, I was looking forward to unpacking the just arrived Wii U. On my way home it already bugged me, thatI didn’t manage to order an external hard drive for the tons of games I’m going to download soon via the built-in eShop. So I arrived at home and setup the cables for the Wii U. I nicely

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Cubi - details about my entry

It’s been a long time since my last post… However, I haven’t been lazy, but worked on multiple things over the last few month. The funniest project in the last weeks/months was my entry for js13kgames called Cubi. In this post I want to present the game and some nice tweaks I added for achieving the right file size. js13kgames "Js13kGames is a JavaScript coding competition for HTML5 game developers. The fun part of the compo is the file size limit set to 13 kilobytes". Also the main th

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Cubi - My entry for js13kgames

Today I submitted my entry for the coding competition js13kgames! Would be pretty cool to win that Impact game engine :) Cubi is a classic tower defense game, which comes with 13 types of monsters and 3 types of towers. You can give it a try here:) I will write a summary about some tweaks I added later.

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Kitty Face Detection

Kitty Face Detection Ever wanted to find cats in pictures? No? Fair enough ;D However, …, you might want to give this a try.

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Hi, in Sequelize JS is it possible to refer to a model twice from another model? For example, if in Project I would like one User reference for the...

Hi! Yes this is possible. You have to add the ‘as’-option to your definition. Take a look at this part of the documentation. Hope that helps

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Hi, I'm using the Dawanda jQuery RSS code to aggregate an RSS feed to a news website I'm building, and it runs great so long as I only run a single...

Hmm that should actually work … Mhh can you please open an issue on github and add a link to page where this problem can be replayed? Thanks a lot :)

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Changes in Sequelize 1.3.0

Sequelize v1.3.0 was just released and comes with some funky new features and some minor refactorings, which you should know about. Most important things are: Migrations, validations, cross-database support and new event-listener notation. Model#all is now a function and not a getter In earlier versions it was possible to get all entries of a model with the following command: User.all.success(function(users){}) This has changed and the all-getter was refactored to be a function. This way it is

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Greetings! Not sure if this is the best place to ask, but I've got a sequelize question for you: is there a way to define something like a custom...

Hi! For now it is not possible to add a special data type. But you could use the boolean datatype for the ‘sex’-attribute and add a gender method which evaluates the attribute and returns ‘male’ or ‘female’ as value. Take a look at and for further information. What do you think? With best regards, Sascha

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Changes in Sequelize 1.2.1

This post summarizes changes in Sequelize v1.2.1. It is highly recommended to read this post due to some changes in default values and interfaces. There are also some minor, but very cool new features. Global options for models In Sequelize v1.2.1 I’ve refactored the not so officially communicated possibility to define Sequelize-wide options, which are passed to the Models in multiple cases. I will explain the usage in the following, for now let’s see how it was before and how it has changed: v

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Theme Hospital on Mac OS X with Boxer 1.1.1

Hey Mac gamers, about an year ago I wrote an article about, how to get Theme Hospital work on Mac OS X. Because that post is very old and things have changed, here is an updated how-to. Install Boxer. Move the extracted file to the Applications folder. Get a copy of the game. I just used a copy (ISO file) of my old cd. Open Boxer. Choose “Import a new game”. Throw the ISO file / disk drive from the Finder into the wizard, saying “Drop your game here.” Choose setup.exe (was default for me). Sele

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JSConf.EU 2011 - Summary of the 2nd Day

And that’s it. JSConf.EU 2011 is done. Great conf! Here is my summary about the second day’s talks. High density server side java script The first talk of the day was by Tomasz Janczuk about High density server side java script. The microsoft speaker was talking about possibilities to lower hosting costs for lightweight applications (actual node apps). He assumed costs of 5 per month as current normal hosting costs. Way too much, according to him. Tomasz splitted the currently process based host

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JSConf.EU 2011 - Summary of the 1st Day

Alright, …, day 1 of the JSConf.EU is done and while other are trying to minimize the results of the after show party I’ll try to summerize the (visited) talks: Art Not a talk at all but a very nice detail was the artist Anna Lena Schiller. The Frulein (see the website) created an artwork for each of the talks in the downstairs area. Plask The first talk was by Dean McNamee about the multimedia programming environment Plask. It might be my inability to completely understand native american speak

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Hey, I just started using Sequelize and was wondering if you support inserting BLOB data? If not, can you recommend some solution? Thanks!

Hmm you are right, that’s missing :) Can you please open a tickket on github ? For the moment i recommend using a text column and manually converting the data. You can also send me a pull request if you want to. if so, don’t forget the tests ;)

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This weekend I will pause writing my master thesis (aboutsequelizebtw.) andattending the javascript conferenceJSConf.EUfor the first time. Doing so, I will hopefully get a lot of inspiration for future work and projects. I will every once and while post about some topics, not sure if in the blog or viatwitter. This is my schedule for the next two days: Day 1 Breakfast 2011-10-01 08:30 Opening 2011-10-01 09:15 Plask 2011-10-01 09:30 jsPerf (upstairs) 2011-10-01 10:30 Kaffeepause 2011-10-01 11:00

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Changes in Sequelize 1.0.0

With Sequelize 1.0.0 the project was completly rewritten and had some major api changes, which will break your app, if you dont fix em. This post summarizes all changes and points out improvements and new features. Logging Disable logging of Sequelize is not longer realized via the options disableLogging:true, but with logging:false. So you now have to do this: new Sequelize(config.database, config.username, config.password, { logging: false}) Chaining Sequelize.chainQueries was replaced by Se

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[sdepold] Sharing Rubymine preferences via Dropbox

devanda: Motivation If you are using Rubymine (like ~50% of the DaWanda devs is), you might have got the idea of sharing your preferenceswith multiple computers. Because most of us are coding on Apple hardware, this description is for MacOSX, butwill work similarly on linux as well. The naive way When thinking about sharing stuff on multiple devices, you will stumble across Dropbox. The first and obvious way is movingyour preferences folder into it and symlinking it into the origin place: mv ~

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svalts: Spiderpig - by Thong Le (Via: herochan)

svalts: Spiderpig - by Thong Le (Via: herochan)

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I'm looking at "Connecting Up MongoDB" at this page<br /> <br /> I've looked thru the examples at...

hey there, thanks tumblr i just got your message now :D I also have no clue when you asked me. If I understand right, you want to define your models in an extra file?

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Working with ssh keys

This is mostly a reminder for myself. But maybe you are also interested in this :) So this is the way you can access a server via ssh without getting asked about passwords: ​1. Create a SSH key. You might want to take a look at this to get one. ​2. Copy the result of the following command:cat .ssh/ ​3. Connect to the server: ssh user@server.tld + Enter password ​4. Create the .ssh folder if not yet done:mkdir ~

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Is there anyone out who has ever got senseful things via the app stores genius function? I&#8217;ve just fucking installed nova2 so &#8230; wtf?...

Is there anyone out who has ever got senseful things via the app stores genius function? I’ve just fucking installed nova2 so … wtf? because of trenches???

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That&#8217;s the way the internet works! via

That’s the way the internet works! via

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Mac Dashboard Plugin for

Mac Dashboard Plugin for christianreber: I use it nearly every day!

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Can the new mac store update already installed applications?

Can the new mac store update already installed applications? The Mac Store was just released and many people are wondering if the store can just update already installed applications. The posted link gives you the answer :)

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Creating spaces in the Mac OS X dock

Creating spaces in the Mac OS X dock This video shows a way to add spaces to the Mac OS X dock. This is great if you want to group programs. For example you could seperate multiple folders into a specific group or split your iWork/Office suite from other stuff. IMHO the spaces could be a little bit less wide. Ah and if you want more than one space, just re-run the mentioned command and kill the dock again. BTW. that’s the command: defaults write persistent-apps -array-add ‘{“tile

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Just found this little typo in the iphone game “Funny Sango TD”… haha

Just found this little typo in the iphone game Funny Sango TD haha

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ReTweetie One major reason for switching from Tweetie for Mac to Echofon was the missing native retweeting function. Nick Paulson just released ReTweetie, which fixes that issue.

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Loading an image asynchronously in C#

Loading an image asynchronously in C# I just needed a way to load images asynchronously in a Windows Phone 7 application. This article explains the very nice way to go. I just shortened the presented code a little bit: private void updateImage(Image i, Uri uri){ WebClient client = new WebClient(); client.OpenReadCompleted += new OpenReadCompletedEventHandler(delegate(object sender, OpenReadCompletedEventArgs e) { BitmapImage imageToLoad = new BitmapImage(); imageToLoad.SetSource(e.Result as Str

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Deploying a Node.JS web application with Express and nDistro

As I finished my first real Node.JS app last week, I was looking for a nice way to deploy the application easily to my server. I found a very long articleusing upstart and Spark, which I thought is way to complicated. I went on for another way and finally stopped at a project called nDistro, which is less a deployment tool but a handy one for getting dependencies work. Hello World Before diving into the deployment stuff, let’s create an example application printing Hello World in the browser: [

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Duplicating a bucket on Amazon S3 with Ruby

Due to my studies I’m currently working with the Amazon Services Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) and the Simple Storage Service (S3). I wanted to easyly duplicate a bucket on S3 but found no method to do so. So I just wrote a script in Ruby which just makes a copy of each key in a source bucket to a target bucket. At first I tried the script on my local machine but stopped that due to my slow internet connection. Soooo I went over to EC2 and started an instance, configured it and tadaa,.., got every

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Passing arguments/parameters using the node command

I recently wanted to pass some parameters to my .js file just from the commandline using the node command. Because I didn’t found an answer on Google, but in a project on Github, I want to let you know how it works. Let’s say you have a script named foo.js. Run the following command: node foo.js myParameter In your script you can now access the attached parameters with: process.ARGV You will get: [ ‘node’ , ‘/path/to/foo.js’ ,’myParameter’ ] I needed something like that, to pass a boolean.

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Render collections with layout in Rails

Today I found a very strange behavior of Ruby on Rails. I wanted to render a partial using the collection option. So far so normal. But: I needed the result to be wrapped with some stuff, so I found out, that you can just specify a layout! What I expected to get was something like: Layout Layout Layout <%= yield %> <—- this should be filled with my partial Layout Layout Layout So this is what I executed: my_array = [“hello”, “world”] render(:partial => “test”, :collection => my

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Node.JS + Express on Snow Leopard

Hey folks! Today I wil take some time to get started with Node.JS and the Express framework. You are maybe interested in how to get this stuff run on Snow Leopard. You need to have XCode installed. So here is what I did: Prerequisite Before diving into the NodeJS world I highly recommend you the usage if kiwi. Kiwi is a NodeJS package manager. git clone git:// kiwisudo make installsudo kiwi install kiwi You will probably ask why you should install kiwi with kiw

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Disabling error reporting of PHP on Snow Leopard

Due to my studies I’m currently working with Typo 3. I wanted to setup the CMS on my Snow Leopard based MacBook and ended in a bunch of warnings. Most of them informed about the use of deprecated function calls. First I just thought: Well that’s not my business! BUT: Because warnings are passed to the browser just when they appear, PHP is not more able to redirect to another page using PHPs header function. To disable the so-called error_reporting do the following: sudo cp /etc/php.ini.default

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Blogging with TextMate

As you may have already noticed I’m looking for a possibility to write my blogposts with a desktop application. I just tested RapidWeaver which is a really cool tool, but where you have to pay for such silly stuff as a search function. 15 bucks I really know to use more senseful! So I just spend my time surfing the net for some cool apps doing such things. On my way I found out, that TextMate also has a so-called blogging bundle. So I watched the screencast and decided to give it a try. Really i

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MacHeist nanoBundle 2

Hey folks. MacHeist is currently selling its new mac apps bundle, containing the following 10 programs: MacJournal RipIt Clips CoverScout Flow Tales of Monkey Island RapidWeaver Tracks Airburst Extreme Burning Monkey Solitaire MacJounal This tool lets you write blog entries offline. Just push them to your server when you are online again. Im currently testing it and am a little bit disappointed about the few delivered features. Maybe Im just blind and unable to find them, but shouldnt a blog p

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FXRuby: Oooh nice?

Just found FXRuby - as far as I currently know it is a Desktop App GUI Framework for Ruby. Because I just wondered which programming language is the one to use for desktop apps, I promptly installed the gem with the following command: sudo gem install fxruby After some seconds of installation process I ran the interactive ruby shell (irb) and did the following (copied from the tutorial page): require ‘fox16’ include Fox theApp = theMainWindow =, “Hello”) theA

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QuakeLive on Mac OS X

Today I just found the free-to-play Quake III - Port QuakeLive. When entering the site you can find the an image, telling you, that QuakeLive is easy to join… So I registered and… got stucked in that fucking installation process you have to succeed before being able to play. So what is that installation stuff about? You have to download a plugin that providesfunctionality for the browser. That’s just the way it is when playing Battlefield Heroes. When trying to run the game, it will ask you to

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Theme Hospital on Mac OS X

UPDATE I updated the article for the latest version of Boxer. You can find the post here. Original post: I just found a nice app for playing DOS games on mac os x without this fucking DOSBox configuration shit.It’s called Boxer and to get Theme Hospital work, follow these steps: Attention: Due to the localized folder names, the apps are possibly named in another way. Download Boxer from here Open the disk image and copy the Boxer app to your harddisk. Run the app. It will configure some stuff

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Future Posts

Once I finished this nightmarish first semester of my master studies, I want to write some new posts. Here are the topics you can expect to see somewhat soon on my blog: Setting up and using Silenium Some stuff I did in my bachelor studies Tutorials and presentations of my github projects rateable_attributes Autocompleter.Local.MultiContent So stay tuned, take out your mojos and rub the magic lanterns you possibly have in your shelf. I need all luck you can find, haha!

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Nice way to create HashMaps in Java

In my blog post from december 14th, 2009 I posted a way to create HashMaps on-the-fly: Today I just released a helper collection (currently only containing one helper :D) for Java-Stuff. The contained helper is a MapBuilder, which allows you to create HashMaps in Java in an easy way. Including the class you can just do the following: Map map =``"key1", 123,"key2", 345,"key3", 456 ); So

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HashMaps on-the-fly

Da ich derzeit studienbedingt mit Java hantiere, fiel mir auf, was fr ein Krampf das Erstellen von HashMaps in Java ist. Vom Durchiterieren sei an dieser Stelle noch gar nicht die Rede! Da ich aus der JavaScript/Ruby-Welt komme und dort Hashes Gang und Gebe sind, war ich leicht schockiert :D Wie also kann man eine HashMap erzeugen? Map<String, List<String» map = new HashMap<String, List<String»(); map.put(“key”, new ArrayList<String>());Map<String, List<String>> ma

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Mitarbeit / Collaboration an einem Heroku-Projekt

Wer zur Mitarbeit an einem Heroku Projekt eingeladen wird, muss entgegen der Anleitung auf zuvor noch einen zustzlichen Schritt durchfhren. Versucht man direkt einen Checkout des Projektes, schlgt dieser Vorgang fehl. git clone -o heroku empty Git repository in /Users/user/Projects/myapp/.git/Permission denied (publickey). fatal: The remote end hung up unexpecte

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