
Sascha Depold

Engineering Manager



This weekend I will pause writing my master thesis (aboutsequelizebtw.) andattending the javascript conferenceJSConf.EUfor the first time. Doing so, I will hopefully get a lot of inspiration for future work and projects. I will every once and while post about some topics, not sure if in the blog or viatwitter.

This is my schedule for the next two days:

Day 1

Breakfast 2011-10-01 08:30

Opening 2011-10-01 09:15

Plask 2011-10-01 09:30

jsPerf (upstairs) 2011-10-01 10:30

Kaffeepause 2011-10-01 11:00

jsTools 2011-10-01 11:15

Mittag 2011-10-01 12:45

JITs 2011-10-01 11:45

DOM implementation techniques 2011-10-01 12:15

HTML5 Game Engine development 2011-10-01 13:45

Web Intents 2011-10-01 14:30

Kaffee 2011-10-01 15:15

Kendo UI (upstairs) 2011-10-01 15:30

Network performance (upstairs) 2011-10-01 16:00

Beyond JavaScript (upstairs) 2011-10-01 16:30

Pause 2011-10-01 17:00

Emscripten 2011-10-01 17:15

Day 2

Frhstck 2011-10-02 09:00

Opening 2011-10-02 09:45

SSJS 2011-10-02 10:00

Mobile HTML5 App 2011-10-02 10:45

Kaffee 2011-10-02 11:30

JS Editors (upstairs) 2011-10-02 11:45

surface generation 2011-10-02 12:15

polyfilling the gaps 2011-10-02 12:45

Mittag 2011-10-02 13:15

all your browsers are belong to me 2011-10-02 14:15

JS Compilers (upstairs) 2011-10-02 14:45

node modules mit V8 (upstairs) 2011-10-02 15:15

Kaffee 2011-10-02 15:45

jsmad 2011-10-02 16:00

garbage collection 2011-10-02 16:30

Pause 2011-10-02 17:00

why do we need two eyes? 2011-10-02 17:15

end to negativity 2011-10-02 18:00

closing 2011-10-02 18:45

gruppen foto 2011-10-02 19:00